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Small Gauge Trauma (2006)



Blogger JD said...

ABUELITOS - ultra-creepy old guys live in an industrial nursing home and maybe eat little girls. This was the best of the disk. it was very atmospherically creepy with only glimpses of overt violence and horror.
CHAMBRE JAUNE - stalker's POV of an encounter with his obsession ends badly. not too crazy about this one. the still frames approach (ala 'la jetee') is pretty cool but the boring 'twist' ending isn't.
FLAT - N - FLUFFY - stoner and gun freak accidentally kill old lady's dog, try to cover it up, and face the lady's wrath. not good at all. poorly animated. not funny.
GORGONAS - guy meets a skilled warrior woman hunting gorgons in a post-apocalyptic wasteland of petrified bodies. i rolled my eyes when i read the premise of this short but it is actually quite good. the animation is 'aeon flux'-ish. the story is outlandish but fun. and the ending is great. it's too bad the exposition drags on for so long. i would have been happy with a newspaper headline blowing by in the foreground.
I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS - hero zombie killer is not all he seems. is it a comedy or is it horror? it's certainly not great.
INFINI (aka INFINITY) - a metaphor for the mechanics of memory works hard to flash an overdosed druggie's life before her eyes. not bad. a good student film for sure.
L'ILYA - woman videotapes suicides and cuts them together to be projected at a club. this would have been better as a 15-20 minute short but it wasn't bad.
LOVE FROM MOTHER ONLY - 50 year old mama's boy must cut the apron strings if he wants to be with his possessed girlfriend. another decent short. creepy and atmospheric as well as intense and shocking.
MISS GREENY - miss greeny does not want to be disturbed. this is by far the best 30 second film i've ever seen.
RUTA DESTROY! - slackers try to score drugs and sex. not good. not horror/fantasy/sci-fi. but it is something of a musical.
THE SEPARATION - conjoined twins separated in youth conversely celebrate and lament their separation. this is a great stop-motion(?) animated short.
SISTER LULU - fed up nun pretends to be gay for sister lulu in order to escape the nunnery. ehh. not terrible.
TEA BREAK - guy with a very, VERY unique job takes a break and maybe has a change of heart. excellently weird gorefest.

8:42 PM  

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