huh huh huh huh huh uuuugh!

Aftermath/Genesis (2007)



Blogger JD said...

first, a bit of background. the three short films on this disk were not released in 2007, the disk was. second, i know that's not a legit quote for the post title but it was the best i could do considering the dialogueless nature of the shorts.

the awakening (1990) - trippy stuff starts happening to a mullet and then he realizes that it's because he's dead. a really film school quality short shot on 16mm while cerda was in film school.3/10

genesis (1998)- sculptor sculpts a life-sized statue of his lost love only to become a charcoal statue as she comes to life. gorgeously shot with a clever plot. the only missteps are the dream sequences and maybe the strange sense of time. 7/10

aftermath (1994) - (god, i hope my mom's not reading this) a guy who does autopsies photographs himself utterly destroying and fucking the corpse of a young woman. ugh. a thoroughly repulsive film. it's quite disturbing and i've been thinking about it ever since i saw it. what can it mean? seriously, the guy doesn't even get a much (MUCH) deserved comeuppance. i've been trying to figure it out. near as i can guess it means this - life can be cut short but there's always someone out there who can see the positive in every tragedy. if not that, then maybe- there are some ultra-perverts out there and be glad that you've never seen this shit in real life. either way it's worth seeing just for the sheer skin-crawling, shocking spectacle of it. 8/10

9:28 PM  

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