wild as a hawk

10-25-08 & 10-26-08
The Haunted House (1921)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)
The Old Dark House (1932)
Eyes Without a Face (1960)
May (2002)
Midnight Meat Train (2008)
The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow (2008)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Dead Alive (1992)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Black Sabbath (1963)
Pieces (1982)
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007)



Blogger JD said...

haunted house - bungling bank teller stumbles on to 'haunted house' front to counterfieting organization. pretty slapstick funny short from keaton.

dr. jekyll - guy explores the darker side of humanity through drugs. this is an awesome silent that is definitely worth checking out. i agree with chris about the dream spider being pretty damn creepy.

old dark house - two couples seek shelter in a very strange family's old dark house during a rip-roaring storm. this is a rather fun character creep-out from the director of frankenstein. karloff is pretty incredible as the 'dumb' butler(?).

eyes without - a doctor tries to transplant a face onto his daughter by any means necessary. this is a great and bleak movie that contains one of the most gut wrenching scenes i've seen.

may - super-awkward young lady tries to find love as awkwardly as possible. i'm not a huge fan of this movie 87 minutes of character development and 3 minutes of good stuff. i kind of wish i saw 'pieces' beforehand since the ending is essentially the same.

midnight meat train - guy becomes obsessed with the butcher who rides the last train of the night. this is a beautifully shot, awesome hybrid of slasher, torture porn, and monster films. there are 40 seconds of footage that i didn't care for (but it's the same problem i had with hellraiser.)

facts in the case - increasingly detailed look at a picture that somehow changes and becomes three dimensional. i liked the director's 'demonology...' a lot more.

friday - no explanation is give for why jason comes back to life but he then goes on a shopping spree. oh wait, i meant killing, not shopping. jason is essentially turned into michael myers in this installment. the best kill was an offscreen one revealed through shadow. the best dance was crispen glover's. the most fizzled out plotline was the one about corey feldman making masks.

dead alive - a mama's boy finds love and his jealous mom gets in the way by becoming a zombie, setting off a chain reaction of hijinks. the best horror comedy ever? certainly the goriest.

phantom - nerd gets screwed by a music producer, gets maimed trying to exact revenge, and comes back as a masked lady-stalker haunting a new club. 3rd best de palma movie i've seen. i don't like de palma.

black sabbath - 3 scary stories hosted by karloff who stars in one about vampires who can only attack the ones they love. slowly paced but not bad at all if you're into that sort of thing.

pieces - nerdy looking guy who is actually a huge player becomes unofficially deputized to help find the chainsaw killer of his school's co-eds. i've read a lot about sleazy grindhouse movies being extra sleazy. this is one of those movies. the last 4 seconds was mind-blowingly crazy.

jack brooks - guy with rage problems goes to night school mostly but then he fights monsters at the end. a pretty fun, well-done sci-fi original picture type of movie.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Christopher Clark said...

I don't think I was asleep during Pieces, but I don't remember a mind-blowing ending so maybe I was.

7:34 PM  

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